"Does adjusted age apply to speech milestones?"

It is important to take your baby's adjusted/corrected age when looking at your baby's developmental milestones

Yes, it does!

When a baby is born before 37 weeks, milestones can often be delayed.

It is important to take your baby's adjusted/corrected age when looking at your baby's developmental milestones. Only when your child reaches 2 years, do you look at the milestones for their actual age. So for example, you would be looking at 13 month old milestones, not 14 month old ones.

Nervousness around developmental milestones is so common among parents. My goal is for you to hardly ever feel anxious or nervous, because you are feeling empowered with the toolbox of tips and techniques that will naturally develop your little one's communication and ensure they meet those communication milestones.

These proven tips, techniques and strategies are all available in my "First Words" (0-15 months) and "Talking Toddlers" (15-36 months) courses.

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